Monday, July 7, 2008


It doesn't even qualify as bullets, because that would mean more organization.

I am thrilled to the point of pathology that Dove has a new deodorant that smells like grapefruit. I love anything citrusy for cleaning, bathing, etc. When I saw the commercial, I wanted to go to the store right then.

My boss called and asked me to work past my usual shift today. I informed her that I had an appointment. She asked, "What time?" I thought that was terribly intrusive and it hacked me off.

I got innundated with patients today and some of them had to wait more than an hour for me to see them. I felt really bad being the one with the chart to whom everyone looked hopefully when I went to the waiting room.

I asked my husband nicely if he would watch "The Bachelorette" with me tonight. His reply was, "Can I trade sex for watching it?" Sheesh, men.

I passed a post total of 500 between this one and the old one.

Sidney (the cat) is both obsessed and terrified of the vacuum.

When I asked him about the decor for the nursery, my brother (who has twins on the way) said, "Nursery?" Turns out it it "Jungle," but when I asked for further details (such as brand name), he said, "The usual kind, monkeys, lions, giraffes." My brother is as cool and weird as I am. He wasn't for the longest time...I'm glad he is now.

Leaving Wednesday morning for our annual trip to the Woody Guthrie folk festival. I am very, very excited. My wonderful, bestest friend from Philly is flying in tomorrow night and will drive up with us. I can't wait.