Sunday, August 17, 2008

It would be simpler

I am not by any stretch of the imagination trying to start a debate about politics or abortion with this post. I welcome any comments you care to make, but I am not trying to sway any opinions.

I was watching the television news in the break room at work with another nurse, and something about Obama was shown. She said, "He scares me." I replied (as light heartedly as possible), "McCain scares me more."

What followed was a very brief conversation about politics. Her bottom line was this, "I'm a Catholic first, so I can't vote for anyone who is pro abortion." Now, don't get me started on the phrase 'pro abortion.' I have some very mixed feelings about the abortion issue, but I end up in the pro choice category when it all sifts out. I am against abortion, but I don't think I should be making that choice for everyone.

What struck me was the fact that her choice of who to vote for was so simple. It is dictated by a single issue. I worry about a myriad of issues including the economy, the environment, equal rights for everyone, upholding that silly thing called the constitution, separation of church and state, and on and on ad nauseam.

I do not want to trade places with that nurse. I do not want to have her view of things. However, it did strike me that she has an easier task of picking who she votes for than many people I know. Sometimes I wish it were that easy for me.