Saturday, June 12, 2010

Weekend Update

I flew into Atlanta last night with Percy the cat as my carry on. She verbalized her unhappiness a bit, but did not resort to utter yowling, which made me happy. However, if she had I was gonna put the earphones in and ignore her, just like I have ignored many a crying child in my flying career.

My Poppa and my sister met me at the top of the escalator--he holding a balloon that read "Happy Birthday Princess." It was well past 1lPm at that point, and we were all tired. That didn't keep us from visiting until 2AM despite my having worked a full--and might I mention insane--day at work.

I woke up at 7:30 for some unknown reason, and didn't to sleep. Percy made herself quite at home quickly. No hiding under the furniture like she usually will do at the start of a move. We did run into a bit of a glitch when I realized that my father (who has no pets) had purchased dog food for her instead of cat food. No biggie--Spencer and I will be here soon enough.

My sister and I took off to get my fingerprints taken for the background check for my GA nursing license. The woman said that it generally takes about 48 working hours for the results to be reported to the requesting agency. Given that I sent everything else in UPS 2 day mail on Thursday (signature required, thank you), I see no good reason why it should take the full five weeks for processing. Maybe they just say that so you won't bug them sooner.

Then it was off for a mani/pedi with my sister and a very dear friend I haven't seen in almost 2 years. Lunch at one of my favorite restaurants, a bit of shopping, and we called it a day. My lack of sleep is catching up with me, and I swear I would have gone to bed at 7:30 if I had thought I could stay asleep all night.

A bit of baseball on the television, and soon to the bath and bedtime for me. Hopefully, I will sleep a little later tomorrow. Tomorrow we have the niece and the nephew for lunch, and not much else in the way of plans.

Monday is the busy, crazy day of work-related things. My old boss pulled some strings, and I am scheduled for my HR interview (required but not a deal), my pre-employment physical (not usually given until after background checks and official offer letter), and then I meet with my old bosses and we figure out what they are going to do with me. It's a bit iffy at this point, given that I don't really know a definite availability date, but we are bound to work something out.

This means I'd better get my packing shoes on when I get back to Houston. Maybe, just maybe, I can be in Atlanta to stay before August rolls around. We shall see.
Happy rest of the weekend to all. Hope you are having as much fun as I am!