Monday, October 5, 2009


I will attempt to make this something other than a "why I am glad to be leaving my job" blog--though this is much on my mind. I am now at the 3 day countdown.

We have a house guest for the foreseeable future. Sweetheart has a friend who has become down on his luck to the point of homelessness. He has been living in his car or a tent for the past many months. He is now living in our spare bedroom.

I find it interesting that I have mixed feelings about this. I am more than happy to help someone who needs a bit of a leg up. He is a nice guy and not one single bit of trouble to have around. However, I am less than social in my general life. We don't have parties, and we rarely go to them. We are homebodies--me even more than Sweetheart. I come home from work, put on my pajamas, eat dinner in front of the television, sit on the computer, take a bath and go to bed. With company, I have to stay dressed and be conversational for far longer amounts of time than I am accustomed to. It also feels weird having a guest of indeterminate length. That seems incredibly selfish to me that I feel even a bit put out by having to do those two things. I suppose some of it has to do with the fact that I am not necessarily in my best frame of mind currently.

The bottom line is that I have no problem having him here. I want to be generous and help somebody who needs a bit of help. I am fortunate that I have plenty of family that if I lose my job and end up with no money, I will be a long way from living in a tent. I should remember this and be thankful on a more regular basis.