Friday, October 16, 2009


That's the best single word I can use to describe my new job. I think I am going to like it, but I also think it is different than I initially thought.

It is going to be much more supervisory and less patient care. I can deal with that. I think I have good skills managing people, and the group seems to be a good one. I'm sure there will be challenges, but I am up for it.

I am currently learning to do the job that I will be doing and that the people I supervise already do. I have never been in that situation before. The computer system is complicated and less than user friendly in a number of circumstances. Thank goodness I am not afraid of computers or I might have cried already.

There was one slightly awkward moment when a nurse I had met 2 minutes before came up to me and said, "Here's the only important question. Are you a christian?" In case I haven't mentioned it here, I am not. I could tell that would not be the best answer. I ended up just saying that I did not go to church, but that I tried to live my life in an ethical and moral way. I guess that was a bit of a copout, but I think it was the answer that made the most sense. Next week is less computer time, and getting ready for the accreditation inspection that takes place the following week. I just hope I remember my password when it is next time to get on the computer.