Monday, October 20, 2008

Waiting for a locksmith

That title up there? It's never a good thing to be waiting for a locksmith. It means money and frustration, neither of which I have to spare.

However, here I am. I am one of those people who doesn't have a place that keys go every single time. I frequently scurry around looking for my keys at the last minute. So it was no surprise that this morning found me doing the same. I brilliantly figured out they were in the car, and then not quite as brilliantly found the car to be locked. I called my husband who was unable to come bring me the extra on his keyring. I called work to say I would be late. I called a locksmith for whom I am now patiently waiting. And somewhat kicking myself.

You see, I would not bet loads of money that the keys actually *are* in my purse. I mean, I think that's where they are as I retrace my last driving of the car, but what if they aren't? Then I will be paying a locksmith for the privelege of getting my purse out of the car in order to pay a cab to take me to work. And that would suck even more than paying a locksmith to get my keys.

Maybe I will start using those clever little hooks just inside the door.