Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bad timing?

Or is it just me?

I have become increasingly aware of television commercials airing at times that seem like they shouldn't. During ball games the male enhancement products seem most popular. At other times like this morning, it's the vaccine for cervical cancer.

I am all for the vaccine, and men who need help should get it. However, I have two ten year olds who watch television with us. So far, we've only had one of them start singing to the tune of "Viva Las Vegas," but I'm afraid for what happens next.

They know the basics about sex and growing up, but impotence and cervical cancer haven't been discussed as yet. We haven't gotten to exactly what an erection is--much less why it shouldn't last more than four hours. I don't really want to start a conversation about sexually transmitted diseases because of something they hear on the television.

Many months ago (prior to the discussion about sex), there was a public service announcement about AIDS. Ears perked up and questions were asked. I was able to answer honestly without fatal STDs preceeding sex in our conversation.

I have been proactive with my discussions with the girls. I don't feel like any topics are off limits, including the ones I mentioned above. However, I do have difficulty with the concept of commercials driving that discussion.