Saturday, January 23, 2010

Hanging in there

Well, the first two days of the group therapy have gone well. The most productive for me was Psychodrama--a group where they focus on one person for an hour and a half. I volunteered, and I was chosen. Let's just say it was one of the most intense therapy sessions, and I have had more than a couple. The job thing finally worked out so I will be able to go for the first three days of next week.

Today I still lounged around a bit more than they would like a depressed person to do, but less than the previous weekends. I made myself get out of the house to take Spencer to the dog park, and I actually spoke to a couple of people who seem to go there regularly. With Sweetheart working on Saturdays, I may make a habit of the dog park just to get out of the habit of lazing around. Plus it is good for Spencer to see how many trees he can pee on in the space of an hour.

Tomorrow includes some football watching and some house cleaning. So, what is everyone else up to? Who are you cheering for in tomorrow's games?