Friday, September 19, 2008

Ike Sucks--but I have the best husband in the world

I thought it was entertaining when I heard a commercial for the Tina Turner concert as I drove to work the last day before Ike arrived. That was the last humorous thing about this fucking storm, and I think I have a way of finding humor where most would not.

We are safe and sound and so is our house. The fence is in pieces (some far too )close to the window of the room where we all four were sleeping). I am forever grateful for that. If the rest of this sounds bitchy, it is just because I am tired.

I returned to work Monday. Power has yet to return to my house--as it has yet to return to more than a million other homes. We do not have a generator, and we have been trying to watch our spending, so we chose not to buy one. It is weird to go to work like "normal" and return to a house without power. This means it stinks, the windows are open so the sounds of generators fill the house, we are eating out of a cooler. I get ready for work daily in the pitch black dark. We have coined a term "Hurricane Malaise." It means sitting staring at each other in a fucking daze with no energy. This has not done wonders for my depression and anxiety which are being med-tweaked at this time. I also realize that many, many others have it far worse than I do. However, last night I just had enough. I started weeping. Not in response to any single thing, but just that I couldn't fucking do it any more.

This is where the wonderful husband comes in. We made reservations at a hotel in San Antonio that has all the things our house does not. And it lacks the stench part. He made the reservation. He packed our suitcase and picked me up at work. I stretched out in the backseat as he drove us away from the place that isn't right.
I asked him to bring my pillow (I have one that is mandatory for my neck, and another that I bring when car traveling.) He brought all four of my pillows as well as my teddy bear (which he hates). Needless to say, I feel better already.

It may take me years to catch up on all my blog reading. Please be patient.